The final is here atlast.The rules are simple.Check the questions and send your answers to .Pls do not search in the net to make this a fair final.If you have anymore doubts just ask as a comment.Also that now only the teams registered are there in the list.But new entries will be welcome anyone can participate in the final.So wishing you all the very best and let the best man win.
1)Solve the anagram " LAB PREP TEST ".
2)Which Automobile industry has the tageline "Touch the perfection"?
3)Who was the first player to score a hatrick in football world cup?*
4)What is this Google Doodle Representing?

5)If X made a website of his own with the extension code .ao ,what will be X's nationality?
6)What is this Amul hitz representing?
7)What is so special about the thing in the photo?*
8)Which place is known as the key of the Mediterranean?
9)Connect bulbul,gonu,nisha,baaz,fannos,phet,onil,sagar.............................(this list contains much more names)(think something present).*
10)Now here's a big connect.Some google doodles will be must tell what it connects into.*
Please note that you only have one chance to attempt.
Please do check the closing ceremony post which is under this.
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