Tuesday, June 1, 2010

MPL Season 1 Champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The season 1 of Mykochi Premier League is over and we have a Champion guys a champion!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is none other than Nandu Ashok of  
And by a huge margin of 7 questions.

Your name will be put up in the MPL hall of fame list.
Congratulations to him form me and Quiz and Masti.

The award will be given to u during the Enquire Curtain Raiser on 19-6-10 at Bhavans Varuna Vidhyalaya by none other the Enquire Secretary Yashin Bidar.


Nandu said...


Nandu said...

Hey Nevil,I was realy surprised when I read that Yashin chettan is giving the prize!.how did you managed this Nevil?.

Nandu said...

Yes Nevil,Thinking from your side,your doubts can be true.and its my responsibility to cleatr them.

I PROMISE to you that I havent checked the Net for the answers.
At the first I knew about some qs
I tried the angram and other few questions for some days ie from the date in which you put the finals to 31st In which I sent the answers

And thats why only I became late to sent the answers.even though I got the answers of the other few questions,which I didnt knew,I tried a lot and I was unable to find the anagram and I decided to give it up.

And think yourself,if I had checked the Net for Anagram and other questions,then I would have sent the answers that momemt itself with a quick net search.

Nandu said...

This is how I got All the answers.

1)Anagram-i have written it above.
2.the tagline-I knew this earlier.and its not a very tough one i have learnt the taglines of some important companies.

3.i read it somewhere in a list of football records(earlier)
4.it can be guissed from the picture itself.i have viewed most of Indian doodles from the google site earlier

Nandu said...

5.a bit logical thinking.I thought "which all contries will have a&o in their names,and luckily angola came first.and I was not so sure that it will be right.

6.I have viewed most of the amul hits from their website.and this one from writing in the downside I understood that it is is something related with MTNL.and the caption says "speak less",when should the people speak less? the answer is so simple with simple logic,when call costs are high. so i answered that the MTNL increasng call rates.

Nandu said...

7.mascot-this I know very thorrowly I and got it in the moment i saw it.beacause i have studied all the olympic mascots names and their pictures.if have any doubt just ask me I will give you all the mascot name and details.

8.thats very very simple anyone who knows the important sobriquet will know it.

Nandu said...

9.i knew some of the cyclone names like gonu and nisha,beacuse recently there was an article in the newspaper about cyclone names and you gave a clue that think sonething present.thus I made it sure.

10.i firstly viewed it carefully.i saw certain animals playing many sports.and i decided to closely observe the animals.I found that they are the 12 animals in the chinese zodiac and they are playing the games so suddenly I got that it was realated to the 2008 beijing olympycs.and there was in the bottom written some thing in chinese thus I was sure.

Nandu said...

And Nevil,there is no need of giving a prize to me this MPL champion title itself is a prize to me and there is no need of a formality between us

Nevil said...

Nandu u know what I havent asked Yashin chettan about this.
I will just tell himwhen we reach there.And i will give you a trophy made by me.But pls ensure me that u wont destroy it.

Ok all doubts cleared.But I need a report on your absence in MPL by mail to take u back as a driector.

Sachin S said...

The creator of mpl wins mpl????

Nandu said...

Sure.I will give a report.anyway I am happy that all your doubts are cleared.actually I was very dismooded and sad by your comment that you have some doubts and I have searched the answers in the net.anyway I hope that everything is all clear if have any more doubts please feel free to ask me ask me openly no problem I will give clear answers.

Nandu said...

And let me say one Interesting thing,this is the first competition I won this year! and your trophy is the frist prize which is going to be awarded to me in this year!
I am very glad to recieve it from you and I promise that I would never destroy it.