Before starting set 2 I would like you to check the official video of quiz and masti
Hey guys Here is the second set of questions for mini MPL 2010.I dont want to give you the rules again so if you have any doubts please feel free to clarify it with me.But one request for all of you PLEASE BE SINCERE AND DONT SEARCH FOR THE ANSWER IN ANY SOURCE.The answers for the first set is given at the end of this post.
So here goes Mini MPL set2
1)Give the Funda(You dont have to be specific.Just think)
2)Give the Funda.(I want a specific answer for this one)
3)Sorry Folks.Here is a trivial question.Identify the flag.
4)Identify(Come on folks think)
5)Identify.(Most of you may know him)
6)Identify the instrument used here.(Click play)
7)What is the common thing between these films.(This maybe a inexhaustible list.But I'll tell you something,its gotta do with th title.)
8)Identify the film in the poster.(Most of you know the film)
9)This may be a bit trivial but most probably you would be able to crack it.Give the funda. (Just look carefully at each and every picture.)

10)Here is a gud one.Give the funda.(Just look carefully at the picture and think)
Send in your answers with your team name to .Those who have not registered just send your answers you can register later.
Answers for Set 1
1)Jigar(Mascot Commonwealth youth games 2008)
3)Dictionary(sorry it was a bit trivial)
4)WarnerBros studio(The picture comes in Harry Potter films)
5)All are brands under ITC
6)The first one was Messi and the second Maradona
7)The games are in order Counter Strike,Half Life,Team Fortress,Day of Defeat.All together they ar games by Valve.
8)Charlie Chaplin in the great Dictator
9)All paintings by Da Vinci.
10)The big Connect.a)Sakshi Rawat-Dhoni-CSK,b)Rahul Dravid-RCB,c)Zaheer Khan-MI
All together teams that represented India in CLT20 2010.
I had given you a lot of clues for every question.Now dont worry about set 1.Just concentrate on set2
Nandu participated and got 4 correct
Mathew participated and got 6 correct
Hi i'm Karthik GV
i wanna bid 4 d Salem smashers team
Hey Karhik u r in with Salem Smashers.
Send ur answers today itself
Hi , I am Vasudev Chakravarti iam bidding for the Avengers
Nevil, I hope that you would have read my mail if not please read it.
great questions !
Nevil , I sent the first one by accident.Please see if you can score only the second one.
Sory Vasu Avengers is already under Mathew and he answered both the quizes.So under rules of Quiz and masti that team is rightfully his for this season.So pls take another team.
And I will only take the second one
Hey Nandu there is a gud news for u
U hav been promoted as the project manager of Mykochi
Thank you Nevil, Thank you very much now I am very happy!.so please write it some where in the blog and in the videos.and so when should I swear in?.
ok , thanks nevil ,iam bidding for the eagles or the tigers.If it is free , the eagle otherwise tigers
K Vasu u r in wiht Etheopean Eagles
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