The new generation Quiz league
On Bid teams
Salem Smashers
Angamaly Dragons
Arctic Avengers
Elamkulam Lions
Ethiopian Eagles
Malabar Roosters
Munnar Monstes
Salem Smashers
Thripunithura Tigers

Girinagar Rajas
Kadavanthara Kats
Mattanchery Madmen(Sohail Nijas)
Bidding Closed
Salem Smashers
Arctic Avengers
Elamkulam Lions
Ethiopian Eagles
Malabar Roosters
Munnar Monstes
Salem Smashers
Thripunithura Tigers
Now Available Teams
Cochin Warriors
Eroor Rockers
Girinagar Rajas

Kadavanthara Kats
Pre Owned teams
Somalian Pirates(Sachin S)
Travancore Tuskers(Rishwin F Jackson)
Bidding Rules
# Anyone can bid for the available teams.All you have to do is post a comment with your name and your selected teams name.
#You are registered for all seasons of MPL once you submit your bid.
#In case two or more people want the same team a bidding quiz will be conducted in which the person with more number of correct answers get the team.The other will have to go for another team.
#You cant bid for a pre owned team.
#Pre owned teams are available only if the previous owner decides to take a new team and sells the old one.A team owner can either sell the team to quiz & masti for putting it in the auctions or directly sell it to a contestant.
#Pre owned team owners should turn up and comfirm their entry on or before the 5th of April 2011.If not all your rights over your team will go to Quiz & masti and the team will be put up for bidding on the 6th of April 2011
#Pre owned team owners should turn up and comfirm their entry on or before the 5th of April 2011.If not all your rights over your team will go to Quiz & masti and the team will be put up for bidding on the 6th of April 2011
#Quiz & masti's decision will be final.
#As per now the last date for bidding is on the 6th of April 2011.This date can be extended under necessary circumstances.
#Any more doubts on the Bidding process can be cleared through either comments or .
Due to some personal problems there may be some drawbacks in this season of MPL.But it will be rectified in the next season
Thripunithura Tigers
You are in.
Welcome to MPL
Gokul Suresh is in
Gokul-Elamkulam Lions
MPL may begin on the 8th of April
The same day as IPL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karthik Ganapathy V
Ernakulam Lions
Vasudev Chakravarti
Artic Avengers
Vasudev and Karthik welcome toMPL season 2.Karthik you will have to participate in a bidding quiz with Gokul for Elamkula mlions which I myself will put up tomorrow morning
Here is the bidding quiz for Gokul Suresh and Karthik GV for the team Elamkulam lions.
1)Which was the first city to form after the WW2?
2)What are the official colours of the chess board?
3)What is special about the christmas reetings send through an orbital 901 in 1992?
4)The following is a 4 point charter of what?
a.X belongs to nobody in particular. X belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in X, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
b.X will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
c.X wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, X will boldly spring towards future realisations.
d.X will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.
5)Plane crazy is the film debut of which comic character?
Send your answers to as soon as possible.
goa quiz united-gokul suresh
( if i dont win the bidding quiz)
im der.. wid travancore tuskers.
Gokul Suresh got 1 mark in the bidding quiz
Ok Rishwin is in with tuskers
hey man , i bid for Artic Avengers
I hope all pre owned team owners read the new rule of your last date for comfirmation changing to April 5.
For others some pre owned team will be available from April 6
Sachin is bak..Register me ..
Sachin S- Somalian Pirtes
Welcome Sachin
Sohail is in with Madmen
Karthik Ganapathy win the bidding quiz against Gokul Suresh for Elamkulam Lions.
Karthik get Lions,while Gokul will settle for Goa Quiz United
Karthik-Elamkulam lions
Gokul-Goa Quiz United
hey man..
I thoght d name of my group was ernakulam Lions..
So i can change d name of my team coz i own it ri8????
And can u post d ans 4 d biddin quiz...
n wen does it start...
pls start it after 10th.....
No karthik you cant rename the team name because the rights for the name still rest under Quiz and masti.Now if you want you can take another team and give lions back to Gokul Suresh.
The answers for the bidding quiz will be given only after 6th.This is because the bidding questions for eveyone are the same.
The quiz will start in 8 the itself most probably since our classes starts on May2.So I have to finish before class
I want Tripunithara Tigers,
shud I again attempt d bidding quiz wid Vivek V????
Sorry Karthik,but you cant bid for another team now.
The thing is that now even if we start the bidding quiz today(3rd) the quiz may not be over before the 6th which is the last day for bidding.
Last year a same thing happened and atlast Nandu and Rishwin had to play without a team.
Anyway lions is good.You can try for a new team next year.
any teams left for me to bid??!!
angamaly dragons
Yes Appuchin you are in.welcome.
You will have Dragons as your team
Abhijith Menon with Monsters
Change of minds
Abhijith joins with his home team Eroor ROckers
And Gokul Suresh with Girinagar Rajas
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