Friday, December 16, 2011

Many plans but only one building!

In the spring of 1772 ,US President,Thomas Jefferson organised a competition for designing a master plan for the X with a deadline of four months.The prize for the winners included $500 and a plot in Washington DC.Almost ten participants forwarded their entries but ironically none of them was chosen.Even the most favored  plan was rejected because of too much french touch in it.Finally a plan submitted by another amateur architect after the deadlines were over was chosen.The plan was greatly inspired by  east front of the Louvre, as well as the Paris Pantheon for the center portion of the design.
Given below is  picture of one of the rejected plans.

You have to identify the building for which the competition was conducted (in simple sense -Id X)

Answer-US Capitol Building
Cracked by Muhamed ,Rahul T,Vasudev


Muhammed said...

u.s capitol building

Rahul Thottipal said...

the capitol building

Vasudev said...

ur dates are wrong its 1792 not 1972
and its obvious from the picture that the building is The Capitol Building

Nandu said...

The Whitehouse.